HOLYWINGS GROUP STILL HIRING! We're looking a Senior Programmer to join our gro...
We’re looking a Senior Programmer to join our growing community. The role is to define, develop, test, analyze, and maintain new software applications in support of the achievement of business requirements.
This individual will also provide mentoring, support and guidance to the Programmer/Analyst’s role and collaborate with developers, programmers, and designers in conceptualizing and development of new software programs and applications.
Job Requirement :
1. A Bachelor’s degree with programming experience or an equivalent combination of education and experience is required.
2. Min. 5 years experience in developing application
3. Knowledge of front-end technologies including CSS3, JavaScript (NodeJS), and HTML5
Send your CV to : felix@holywings.id with subject name + position
Good Luck Holy People!
#careers #careeropportunity #nowhiring #jobs #recruitment2021 #carikerja #loker2021 #lokerprogrammer #lokerit
Disclaimer: @lokerjakartaselatan tidak bertanggung jawab atas informasi konten yang di bagikan. isi konten tanggung jawab oleh pemasang iklan. Semua lowongan kerja tidak di pungut biaya!!! hati hati atas penipuan!!! JIka ada yang meminta biaya dan lain lain segera laporkan.
#LowonganKerja #hiring #hiringcrew #lokerjadetabek #infojadetabek
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